mex is a modal editor, just like vi, elvis or vim.
mex is different from other vi
clones in the way I design it: I don’t aim for 100% vi compatibility because
vi is a general purpose text editor and it binds some valuable keys to commands
that are not of much use in editing source code.
mex uses lua for configuration.
->TODO<- In a future release, there will be a larger interface between mex and lua.
All comments are welcome. The best place to post them is the developer
forum in the sourceforge page. You may also contact me by email. the address is :
cinarus at yahoo dot com
Since mex implements many commands in common with *vi* editors, I am not going to
go into the details of the common commands and I will assume that you have some
experience with such editors.
On the left side are the line numbers. mex does not display any indicator which
tells that a line is wrapped other than identical line numbers on successive rows
on display. There is no way to turn line numbers off :).
The darker area at the bottom is the command/status area. The
status area contains the file name, the current mode being used
for the buffer, a modified indicator (’*’), the number of the
window, preceded with a w so that you don’t confuse it with the
number of the buffer, which immediately follows.
The rest of the window is the text area, where the contents of
the buffer is displayed. The yellow thing is the cursor as you
may have guessed and the pink rectangles are insertion
There are three classes of marks in mex:
First and most used of them is the user defined marks. These are named
from a to z (lowercase letters) and are global. You can set the position
for a global mark using
The second class of marks are editing marks. These marks are
editor-local meaning that, it is defined seperately for each
(window,buffer) pair. i.e. if you edit a file in two windows,
these windows have seperate editing-marks. Editing-marks
are implicitly set to the position which you last
(successfully / unsuccessfully)
executed an editing command at.
The third class of marks are bookmarks. These are not really
marks, but are named so because they are used with the gotomark
command. A bookmark is a position in a file which holds the
string ’##X’ where X ranges from A to Z. The gotomark command
searches for such a string when given an uppercase argument.
The binding is what you would expect:
Another absolute movement command is the cursor-of-window command.
Of course the gotoline command is implemented:
The ’/’ and the ’?’ commands search for strings.
If you would like to search for regular expression matches, use Ctrl-/ and Ctrl-? instead.
The regular expression syntax is explained in the substitute
command definition.
When you request a tag for the first time, mex finds the tag using the current buffer’s
tagfile list. When you request the next definition of a tag when the cursor is on the current
definition of a tag, the original list of tagfiles will be used, not the tagfile list
of the current buffer. This makes it easy to find a definition if it is defined multiple times
in a tag file.
mex behaves a little differently when browsing thru tags. Each window has its own tag stack.
This stack holds positions that correspond to different tags. In addition to this, each tag may be
defined in multiple places. These places replace each other on the tagstack. We can visualise this
as follows:
The alternate mode works as follows: The user maps some of the
keys (in lang.c) to special characters he wants to use in the
alternate mode. Then mex translates keys when the buffer is in
alt-insert mode. This has been a great help for me because I
mostly program in C and the keys for ’{’ ’[’
and such are in very odd places on a Turkish keyboard. So, I switched
keyboard map to US English and started using the alternate mode whenever
I need to insert Turkish messages.
When you insert text mex displays insertion marks to indicate
what text has been inserted since the last insertion command. If
you see only one of them, you may have moved one outside the
window, started insertion at the first char of the buffer or you
may have deleted all text that was between them. In the last
case, there is no way to seperate them back. You may insert
text, move to outside the insertion range, do some editing there
and come back. These actions will not affect the repeat
behaviour of the insert commands.
There are also two named cutbuffers i and I, which holds the the
last inserted text. So you can repeat an insertion by pasting
from these two cutbuffers if you have executed other repeatable
commands in between.
The delete command in mex is an operator command. There are two forms:
Since these commands take a movement argument, they are called
’operator commands’. Other operator commands are shift_left,
shift_right,yank, quote and comment. Some movement commands will move the
cursor to a different position than the normal operation when
given as an argument to operator commands. These commands are
marked as ’This command is an object returning command’.
When yanking or deleting some text, you may choose to save it in a cutbuffer
other than the default. This is done by
When compiled with xwox library, mex uses the windows clipboard for the
x cutbuffer. It will get and put data of type CF_TEXT, which is the windows
equivalent of STRING.
You may give the following options to the Similar to the redo command, mex also provides
The function
For printable ASCII characters, the character means the key combination needed to print it i.e.
'a' means the key 'a', '{' means shift-'[' (on a us keyb).
Other keys such as function keys and space characters can be specified as follows:
As an example, the
If you want to record some operations and then re-execute them, you can
use the following commands:
When you switch from one buffer to another, the old one is kept in memory.
It gets destroyed only when you explicitly unload it or try to quit
from mex. Buffers with unsaved modifications will display a
confirmation dialog when they are about to
be destroyed.
Following commands are related to buffers and files:
See the section on backups on how to control
the backup behaviour.
When you try to write a buffer to an existing file that is named
differently, mex displays a confirmation dialog about overwriting
the file. The same applies if a file associated with a buffer was
touched outside mex.
mex provides a way to control backups thru the option
The procedure to follow is:
If you don’t give a scheme as an argument, this command will display
the current scheme for the buffer.
A window is identified by it’s number. This number is displayed in the
form ’w<number>’ at the right side of it’s command area.
When you want to mention a window, you just use the number without the
’w’. Following commands are used for working with multiple windows:
This command is not available if mex is compiled & linked with
xwox instead of the regular Xlib.
When a window is reparented, it’s removed from the control of the window
manager and is managed by mex from there on. Some window managers
(one of them is Enlightenment) experience problems with this, so
quitting mex and executing it again may be necessary if mex
has not reparented the window properly at the first attempt. Good old
twm has no problems with this, by the way.
Note that, mex does not do very much on the window other than
moving it in the application window when the application window re-layouts
itself. So, you shouldn’t quit from the reparented application without
quitting from mex first.
When in command mode, the command ctrl-w will switch the focus to the
reparented window and warp the mouse pointer to (20,20) in that window.
The distribution also includes a small program called mx which
switches the focus to the parent of the window whose X identifier is
If you use ion wm
you don’t need this at all.
When you press <Tab> while entering a command in the
command area, the file selection dialog is displayed if the
first character of the non-whitespace sequence that ends at the
cursor is not ’#’. If that character is a ’~’, then it is
expanded to the value of the HOME environment variable.
Here are the keys and what they do in this dialog:
The "Save" button is not displayed if the buffer mentioned in
the message box is an unnamed buffer.
You can use the arrow keys or the uppercase letters to select
an action (case is insignificant).
If you cancel this dialog, the command that displayed it
will be cancelled. However, side effects may reside (i.e.
closing unmodified buffers).
Modified buffers are marked with an ’*’ sign.
You may type a number to select a buffer (to select buffers 0-9)
or you may use the arrow keys to move the hilight cursor in this
dialog. Cancelling this dialog leaves the contents of the command
area unmodified.
There are two classes of options in mex; per-buffer options and global options.
Per-buffer options are defined as lua functions in the following manner:
Global options are defined for the same way for all buffers and are simple lua values.
For example
All options have a type. This type is one of integer, string, list
or boolean. Boolean options are just integer options, with zero corresponding
to false. If you’d like to use hexadecimal values for integer options,
you can use the
When writing string literals, beware that the lua
parser does one level of \-decoding before passing the values
to mex functions. Therefore, two backslashes are needed
when you want to escape a character using &quo;\&quo;.
When a buffer gets created or changes its name (thru write), the
options for the buffer are recalculated.
-->TODO<--- The following no longer applies since the port to lua.
Commands related to options are:
tip: undo works in all buffers, including the option buffer. If you modify an
option and don’t like it’s effects after you run Below is a list of options.
mex tries hard to rename files to their backup names. If it can not
rename a file, it will copy it.
->TODO<- since I rewrote the new FS interface, this no longer holds.
The last one tells mex to not modify the scheme of the buffer and use
the scheme it found when it read the buffer. If the buffer was created
within mex (not read from disk), the
option is used.
One class of options set the resources for the ’text’ widget in
mex. The line-number area(
For basic operation, mex doesn’t require any installation procedure.
You can just put it somewhere in
If you would like to use custom settings, you should put them in
The syntax for running mex from the command line is:
Compilation is pretty straight-forward. You just edit the
@mex() can also be built to be run on a win32 machine. In order to do this,
you&rqsuo;ll need a linux host with cross-compilation tools installed.
I use
mingw to make my windows builds. The same should work with mingw/cygwin
on a windows build host, but I haven’t tried.
The build also produces
If you find a bug in mex, which you will probably, you may send
a bug report. A bug report may be sent to the author by email.
The most useful bug report (the one that will most help me find
and fix the bug) contains instructions on how to re-generate the
bug. However, all bug reports are welcome even if short.
Optionally you may send a log of your editing session. If you
are using the debug binary (which would help us very much), mex
creates a directory under
Version: mex 3
The win32 port is improved. mex doesn’t depend on the cygwin library
any more.
The packaging has changed. Now, everything is in one big tarball.
No known bugs. They are yours to find.
Version: mex 2.0
mex has been ported to win32. It can also run without an X server under
a cygwin environment. See the Makefile and the package xwox for details.
A lot of cleanup was done, along with some new commands.
Version: mex 1.0
Support for changing options at runtime is implemented, but it
is still being designed. Do not give mex an invalid option name,
or it will crash. The crash may be prevented but properly
handling the error requires that an error message is given
indicating on what line the error occured and what the reason
for the error was, which is not implemented yet. The preferred
way to set options is to ’:read’ the defaults file or the .mexrc
that comes with the distribution, modify the values and then
apply the changes. Again, the crash is there so that I don’t
forget about it.
An argument to :unload or :closewindow is not recognized. You
must switch to the associated buffer/window before you can do
There is no way to turn off backing up files. There will be one
when I’m pretty confident that mex does not contain serious bugs
that will cause it to crash.
There is no modifiable/readonly flag in a buffer yet. That
should be coming soon.
If you plan to use the debug binary, make sure that you have a
writeable-executable Introduction
Terms of Use and Distribution
mex is distributed under the GPL.
About this document
This document is a manual, a reference guide, a TODO list and a list of open
issues all in one. Designing a good user interface, especially for a tool that
is used so frequently, depends heavily on using it and seeing how it works. Since
usage and design are so closely related, I inserted arguments, descriptions of
unimplemented features/commands when it seemed to fit.
Also, there are some open issues in the design. These issues are open because either I
don’t see the point in implementing a commonly implemented but rarely used
feature or I don’t have enough information on user behaviour to make a decision
about which way to go. These issues are marked as
Anatomy of a Window
The Error Buffer
One of the internal buffers in mex is the error buffer. It’s
number is zero. So, the command :e #0 would give you the buffer
displaying all messages since mex has started. This can be
useful when a command fails and you don’t know the reason,
especially during I/O.
Movement Commands
Relative Movement
mex currently has only a small set of relative movement commands
implemented, with the following modifications to the standard vi
Note that the underscore is considered a punctuation character.
Up k
Down j
Right l
Left h
Home ^
End $
Absolute Movement: Marks, Global Marks and Bookmarks
vi has objects which remember positions in a buffer. These are
called ’mark’s. mex provides a similar functionality, with
extensions. In vi, all marks are local, meaning that, every
buffer has its own set of marks which remember only positions in
that buffer. mex uses global marks in addition to local marks;
you can reach a global mark from any buffer, independent of the buffer
you are currently editing.
mex provides the usual vi commands for searching strings: ’/’ ,
’?’, ’N’ and ’n’.
And also the character search commands: ’f’
’F’ ’t’ ’T’.
Moving in Source Code
The following commands are designed for moving in source.
Since version 3, mex has built-in tag searching.
It supports multiple tag files chosen on a per-buffer basis.
Each buffer has a list of tagfiles given by the function tagfiles(filename)
This function is called once during the life-time of a buffer. It should return the list
of tag files associated with the given file. Example:
function tagfiles(filename)
if filename == "Makefile" then
return { "mtags" , "tags" }
return { "tags" }
The order of the returned tagfiles is significant. They are searched in the given order.
If you give a relative path for a tagfile, it is relative to the file’s path.
<----Prev Definition---------Next Definition--->
| The Stack Alternative Definitions
| | |
New Tag | error (in get.c) | [error() in buffer.c] [error() in file.c]
/Push Tag | |
| | main |
Pop Tag | |
| | readfile (in file.c) | [readfile() in buffer.c]
| | |
The following commands may be used for browsing tags.
There is no good substitute for experimenting :)
Screen Based Movement and Scrolling
mex has the following commands to move on the screen and to scroll
the window.
Screen based movement and scrolling commands are not considered
to be movement commands for the purposes of operator commands.
PageUp Ctrl-b
PageDown Ctrl-f
Editing Commands
Inserting Text
In addition to the usual ’iaIAOo’ commands, mex
provides another insertion command for inserting text in an
alternate language. This comes in pretty handy when writing a
program that needs to give messages in a language other than
:altinsert (or :alt) lang
Puts the current window to alternate insert mode with the mapping
given by lang
Currently, only turkish (lang=tr) is supported as an alternate
language, but it’s pretty easy to add others.
Deleting and Changing Text
mex provides the two character delete commands of vi:
The change command too has two such variations:
Note on Operator Commands
Cut Buffers
When you cut or copy text using delete, change or yank, it is saved to a
cutbuffer along with it’s type . The type of copied or
cut text determines whether the text should be pasted as whole
lines or as a sequence of characters. If you cut text using a
line-oriented command such as delete_lines, the text is
pasted as whole lines if it contains newline characters.
Otherwise it is pasted as a sequence of characters. When you
paste whole lines, the text is inserted before/after the
beginning/end of the current line. Otherwise, the text is
inserted before/after the cursor.
Yanking and Pasting
The yank command has two variations like the change and delete commands:
The key ’Y’ is an alias for ’y<End>’ in
consistence with C and D. vi defines it to be an alias for ’yy’
which has disappointed me every time I used it.
Note that there is no support for generally implemented ’killbuffers’,
These are cutbuffers that are named from 0 to 9 and cut into every time a delete operation
Replacing Text
The :substitute
command (which may be uniquely abbreviated as
) provides substituion functions. The regular expression
syntax accepts the usual ’?’ ’*’ ’+’ ’|’
operators and the grouping characters ’(’ and ’)’.
To record what text matches a given part of the
regular expression, you shall enclose the regular expression part
between ’\<’ and ’\>’ pairs. In the
’replacement’ part of the command string, the strings \1, \2 .. \9
expand to the string which matched the contents of the corresponding
\< \> pair. \0 gives the string which matched the whole r.e.
mex currently does not recognize any named character classes.
So, [:digit:] and similar will not work. ->TODO<- This limitation will be removed
in the future.
Please note that mex lacks the commonly implemented options
and ignorecase
Undoing and Redoing
mex has an unlimited undo-redo capability (limited by memory
that is). The commands to undo and redo changes are:
Editing Source Code
The following commands are designed for editing source code:
is transformed into (using
for example)
is transformed into
/*/1* hello*1/ */
is transformed into
/*/1* /2* hello*2/ *1/ */
characters. Case is
toggled according to toupper()
Automatic Indentation
An automatic indenter is implemented in mex. It is activated by
the option autoindent.
Automatic indentation does
something different than the normal insert mode only when you
insert newline characters. It will not break lines for you,
align comments or anything. The following commands may be used
for manual indentation:
Other Editing Commands
The following command was fun to write, and is fun to use.
Maps: Make Your Own Commands
mex enables you to bind one or more commands to a key and have them
execute when you press the key in command mode. You can do this in
two ways; one of them in configuration and one at "run-time".
map(key, meaning)
allows you to specify key mappings in your configuration file.
should be a single key specifier whereas meaning
can be multiple
keys long.
\C Control; This key can be prepended to another to form one
key since it’s a modifier.
\H Home
\E End
\P Page Up
\N Page Down
\U Up
\D Down
\L Left
\R Right
\n Return
\b Backspace
\t Tab
\S Space
\1 F1
\2 F2
\3 F3
\4 F4
\5 F5
\6 F6
\7 F7
\8 F8
\9 F9
\a F10
\b F11
\c F12
\x x
in source distribution contains
the following:
map("C", "c\\E")
map("d", "d\\E")
map("\\C\\t", ":focus\\n")
Note the control-tab command implemented as a mapping. Another
point to be careful is, the escaped key codes are written with two
backslash characters. This is because of the lua parser: lua does
one level of \-decoding before passing the key definitions to map functions.
:startmap (or :sm) [key]
Starts recording the succeeding keys and associates them with the given
:endmap (or :em) [key]
Stops recording keys. If a key
was not given in :startmap
, it must be given in this command. Otherwise the recording will
After you’re done recording a map, you can execute the recorded keys
by pressing the mapped key. A count also works here: the recorded keys
will be replayed count
times if you give one.
Working with Buffers
One of the motivations behind mex is to make editing multiple
files as easy as possible. A buffer in mex is the representation of
a file. They are identified by numbers in the form ’#<buffernumber>’.
This number is displayed at the bottom right corner of a window displaying
the buffer.
User buffers start from #2 since #0 is used for the error buffer
and #1 is used for the scratch buffer. See buffer
selection dialog for information on how to get a list of buffers.
:edit ( or :e ) buffer-spec
Edits the given buffer in the current window. Or, edits
the given file in the current window.
:unload ( or :ul ) [buffer-spec]
Unloads the given buffer. If no buffer is specified, the current
buffer is unloaded. This command fails for internal buffers.
This command reverts the contents of the current buffer to the contents
stored on disk. This command will fail for an unnamed or internal
buffer since such buffers have no associated file on disk.
:[range]write (or :[range]w) [filename]
This command writes the current buffer to the given file. The filename
is mandatory only when the buffer is unnamed or a range is given.
When a range is given only the lines within the range are written.
This command inserts the contents of the given file at the cursor
Writing Files and Backups
mex backs up your files in order to protect them from mex’s faults
and other errors that can occur during writing a file. The write
algorithm is as follows:
In order to achieve this, you must have write access to directories
in which you edit a file. The ’.tmp’ suffix is there to ensure that
the file named with the buffer’s name always contains all contents
in the buffer. So, if there was an error during a write operation to file
X, the resulting file will not be named X. Therefore when you retry to
write after fixing the problem, the erronous file will not be backed up.
This also ensures that backups are always proper.
Mounting Virtual File Systems
In addition to using the local disk, mex
supports file operations on a remote host. You need to run a
server process on the remote host in order to use files from that
host. Then, you tell mex where the remote directory should
be mounted locally. After this, accessing files on the remote host
is identical to accessing files on the local disk.
After these steps, you can use the remote host’s disk in the same way
you use the local disk (i.e. look at directory, read & write files etc).
tfs.c tfs_server.c
in order to
produce the server program. Don’t forget to upload error.h tfs.h
to the compilation directory.
./tfs_server <ipaddress> <port>
Where <ipaddress> is the address of the interface you want to bind
the listening socket and <port> is the port number for the socket.
Note that tfs_server
will use its current working directory
as the root for incoming requests.
function from
the configuration script:
mount( "<mountpoint>", "telnetfs", "host=<ipaddress>&port=<port>")
<mountpoint> does not have to exist on local disk. However, it’s
convenient to have a file/directory at <mountpoint> in order to
use tab completion.
New Line Schemes: Editing DOS or MAC Text Files
As you may know Windows,MacOS and UNIX use different character sequences
to seperate lines. mex provides ways to specify which scheme to use when writing
a file. There are two options that control the behaviour:
In addition to these options, you can use this command
to explicitly set the scheme for the current buffer:
:newline (or :nl) dos|unix|mac|default
Sets the newline scheme to the given value. If one of the first three
is used, the options scheme
or fallback_scheme
are not taken into account and the given scheme is used. Otherwise
the normal behaviour is restored and the options control the
new-line scheme.
Working with Windows
mex can display multiple buffers at the same time in different
windows (or the same buffer in different windows).
A window is displayed as a horizontal pane in the application
:window ( or :wi ) [bufferspec]
Creates a new window at the bottom of the application
window with the buffer specified in it. Then sets focus to that
window. If no buffer or file name is specified, the current
buffer is used instead, with the cursor at the first character
of the buffer.
:closewindow ( or :cl ) [windownumber]
Closes the given window. When no window number is given, it closes
the current window. When a window is closed, all buffers that were
edited only in that window are also unloaded. If any of these
buffers have unsaved modifications, the destroy-buffer dialog is
displayed. If the closed window is the only window, then mex
:focus ( or :f ) [window]
Sets focus to the given window. window argument defaults to the next window.
Sets focus to the next window. Wraps to the first (top)
window if executed on the last (bottom) window.
Embedding Another Window
mex has a command-line option, -r
, which tells
it to reparent the window whose X identifier is given in
environment variable. You don’t need to set this
variable explicitly if you are executing mex from an rxvt
window and would like mex to reparent the same window, since
rxvt sets it automatically.
environment variable. mx too warps
the pointer, to the mex application window at (20,20). To sum up, you may
switch focus to an embedded terminal emulator using ctrl-w and then switch
back to mex by running mx. To make things even more
homogeneous, you can add the line
bind ’Control-w:"mx\n"’
to your .bashrc
and you have an IDE.
File Selection
ctrl-backspace will turn it to
another one will
Moves the highlight cursor to the file name displayed in
the given direction. Although the dialog has no scroll bars, it
will scroll up and down as the cursor moves.
Destroy Buffer
When a modified user buffer is about to be destroyed, the destroy-buffer dialog is displayed.
Buffer Selection
If you press <Tab> in the command area when the cursor is
immediately after a ’#’ sign, the buffer selection menu will
mex uses a lua script for configuration.
When it starts, it reads $HOME/.mexrc
and merges the options in it with the default options.
function backupname(fn)
return fn .. ".bak"
Here, backupname
is the name of the option. When mex needs the value
for this option, this function is called with the name of the file associated with the
buffer and its return value is used as the option’s value.
window_main.font= "fixed"
is a definition for the global option window_main.font
. If you fail to provide
a correct definition for a value, (i.e. set it to null or an incompatible value with the
option type) mex will supply a default value.
function to convert a string to
a number according to strtol()
Start editing the option buffer with empty contents in the
current window.
Apply options in the option buffer. This command only works
when the current buffer is the option buffer :do
, undo the changes
and run :do
is called every time a buffer needs to be written
to disk. The argument is the name of the file to be written.
This function should return the name of the backup file. If it returns a null
string or anything other than a string (including nil
), then no backups
will be made for that file. If backing up is requested, a file is not written
to disk unless its backup is successful.
The first three inform mex to use the respective scheme.
This option’s value controls what should be the scheme for new files if their
scheme option is set to "default"
Appearance Options
These are options that change the look of mex. You may change
border colors and widths, fonts, background and foreground
colors of any window in mex. These options are all defined at
the application scope.
the main area(window_main
) and the command area (window_cmd
are implemented
as seperate text widgets. To set an option for a text widget, use the form
where window_main
identifies the text widget and borderwidth
identifies the option name. Here is a list of options for a text widget:
The following options are meaningful only for the given widgets. Note: any option that is
not recognized is simply ignored instead of generating an error.
Installation, Usage,Reporting Bugs
Installing mex
I will always provide binaries that work on a i386 with a
Mandrake-9.0 GNU/linux distribution. Other binary packages will
be available in time, as users and other developers submit
builds for other systems. Notes for each release will contain
which package works on which systems. However, the binaries for
Mandrake-9.0/i386 should work on most modern i386 distributions since no
system calls that are linux-specific are used (i.e. ones that
may be implemented in one kernel and not in another) and no
assumption is made about the target system such as the usage of
a particular library (other than libc and libX11 of course).
and start using.
Don’t forget to install the focus switching program
mx if you plan to use the reparenting
Command Line Arguments
mex [-r] [filename]
Currently there is only one command line option, -r .
Compiling mex
file at the top of the source tree and then make
Note that mex doesn't use the autoconf tools.
You may also install these at the installation directory using the proper
variables in config
if you're interested.
Reporting Bugs
named with the process id.
This directory contains the keylog for the session (all key
events received from the X server) along with all files that
were loaded into mex buffers during the session. These copies
of files contain the contents of the files before mex referenced
them for the first time. Content of a file is important in
helping us locate bugs if you have executed searching commands
(i.e. move-word-f or search-char) when editing the file. Which
most probably you will, mex is not very different from, say,
pico otherwise :). So, if you happen to work on GPL’ed code or
otherwise publicly available code when the bug showed up, it
would be very useful for us if you could send us everything
under $HOME/.mex/<pidof@mex()thatfailed>/
along with your
and defaults
in the source tree
if you have modified it.
Release Notes
Date: 5 Jun 2004
Date: 2 May 2003
Date: 5 March 2003
. mex will crash otherwise.